Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bubonic Plague Free Essays

I. Thesis Statement:The symptoms of the bubonic plague spread rapidly causing outbreaks and identifying the need for modern science to deal with epidemics. II. We will write a custom essay sample on Bubonic Plague or any similar topic only for you Order Now Topic Sentence: The bubonic plague or otherwise known as the black plague spread extremely fast and there were many symptoms of the disease. A. There are many initial symptoms and symptoms before death of the black plague. â€Å"The Bubonic Plague† E medicine. 24 December 2004. http://www. emedicine. com/emerg/topic428. htm , Velendzas, Demetres 1. Many initial symptoms were swollen lymph nodes, delirium, high fever, sore throat, cough, constipation, and shortness of breath. The Bubonic Plague† E medicine. 24 December 2004. http://www. emedicine. com/emerg/topic428. htm , Velendzas, Demetres 2. The symptoms before death are seizures, vomiting, chills, malaise, abdominal pain, weakness, and red spots that turn black. â€Å"The Bubonic Plague† E medicine. 24 December 2004. http://www. emedicine. com/emerg/topic428. htm , Velendzas, Demetres B. The plague was spread by both humans and animals. â€Å"The Black Plague† The Middle Ages. 1998, Oxford New York. Ox ford University Press (Hanawalt 128) 1. The plague was spread in a pneumonic form that was passed from person to person by sneezing, coughing, or talking. The Black Plague† The Middle Ages. 1998, Oxford New York. Oxford University Press (Hanawalt 128). 2. An infected rat would be bitten be a household tick that would later bite a human who would then pass it on in the pneumonic form. III. Topic Sentence: In the fourteenth century there were very few ways to control the outbreaks. A. When the plague began the ships that went to the black sea to trade with Chinese merchants were the first Europeans to get the black sea. â€Å"The Black Death: Bubonic Plague† The Middle Ages. 2006 http://www. themiddleages. net/life/blackdeath. html. Culatta, Richard 1. China was one of the world’s busiest nations and it was a matter of years before Europe and the rest of Asia caught it. â€Å"The Black Death: Bubonic Plague† The Middle Ages. 2006 http://www. themiddleages. net/life/blackdeath. html. Culatta, Richard 2. When the European merchants docked in Italy the crew was already dying of the plague within a few days the plague spread throughout the countryside. â€Å"The Black Death: Bubonic Plague† The Middle Ages. 2006 http://www. themiddleages. net/life/blackdeath. html. Culatta, Richard B. In the fourteen century people did not know how to deal with outbreaks. . When a person became infected with the Bubonic Plague the doctors tried aromatic woods, special diets, courses of bleeding, new postures for sleeping, and the rich had medicines made from gold and pearls, they fled, or prayed. â€Å"The Black Death: Bubonic Plague† The Middle Ages. 2006 http://www. themiddleages. net/life/blackdeath. html. Culatta, Richar d 2. Families of the sick rejected them or took them to the nuns and friars who tried to care for the sick but soon they too got sick. â€Å"The Black Death: Bubonic Plague† The Middle Ages. 2006 http://www. themiddleages. net/life/blackdeath. html. Culatta, Richard IV. Topic Sentence: Today scientists have new treatments and tests to deal with outbreaks of the plague. A. There are several new ways to deal with infected people. 1. When a person is diagnosed with being infected the hospital puts them in an isolation chamber and they burn all their clothes and belongings. â€Å"The Bubonic Plague† E medicine. 24 December 2004. http://www. emedicine. com/emerg/topic428. htm , Velendzas, Demetres 2. Then they consult an infectious disease specialist who decides what to do with the infected individual. The Bubonic Plague† E medicine. 24 December 2004. http://www. emedicine. com/emerg/topic428. htm , Velendzas, Demetres B. The tests that they perform are extensive and grueling on the patient in isolation. â€Å"The Bubonic Plague† E medicine. 24 December 2004. http://www. emedicine. com/emerg/topic428. htm , Velendzas, Demetres 1. They perform a chest radiograph, antibody titer, and an F1 antigen diagnostic test. à ¢â‚¬Å"The Bubonic Plague† E medicine. 24 December 2004. http://www. emedicine. com/emerg/topic428. htm , Velendzas, Demetres 2. The doctors also perform an empiric antibiotic coverage, crystalloid administration, and nemodynamic monitoring. â€Å"The Bubonic Plague† E medicine. 24 December 2004. http://www. emedicine. com/emerg/topic428. htm , Velendzas, Demetres V. The Bubonic Plague is a still ongoing problem that has many symptoms and on going outbreaks and the need for science is still needed. Works Cited â€Å"The Bubonic Plague† E medicine. 24 December 2004. , Velendzas, Demetres Culatta, Richard. â€Å"The Black Death: Bubonic Plague† The Middle Ages. 2006 . â€Å"The Black Plague† The Middle Ages. 1998, Oxford New York. Oxford University Press (Hanawalt 128). How to cite Bubonic Plague, Papers

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