Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Nutrition Assessment free essay sample

Briefly answer the following questions. †¢List your three favorite foods: *Salmon *Mac n cheese *Liver Why are these your favorite foods? I love fish, and salmon has the best taste for me. I love mac n cheese because I love cheese and pasta (so good combo) also when I was younger it was the easiest to make for me so I grew up eating it. I love liver because in my culture kebabs are a well known food, and liver kebab was always one of my favorites, its tender, also not as fattening as the other meats. List your three least favorite foods: ( this is a tough one, I love all food Im really not too picky) *Black Caviar *Pork *Russian Holodets (meat jelly) Why are these your least favorite foods? -I dislike black caviar because its a bit too salty for me. I dont eat pork mainly because of my religion (Jewish), also after learning more about the pig and what it consumes the idea began to disgust me. We will write a custom essay sample on Nutrition Assessment or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I DESPISE Russian holodets, its basically frozen meat soup that forms into the texture of jelly, which is a texture that I dislike, the idea of eating frozen meat fat grosses me out. Using food records recorded for three days, detail how often you consumed your favorite foods—if you did nor consume , detail why these foods were not included in the 72 hour period. -Ive had salmon 3 times this week, once for dinner, and 3 times as lox on a bagel for breakfast. Ive had liver once this week for dinner. I havent eaten mac n cheese for almost 6 months because Im really trying hard to stay away from the combo of cheese and pasta. I love pasta therefore Ive been sticking to whole wheat, and I love cheese but it makes me breakout†¦its not really part of my diet plan. During the three day recording period, how many times did you eat solely because you were hungry? Now at days I only eat when Im hungry, I used to use eating as a way to stop boredom or when I was upset about somethi ng, this made me gain weight quicker than anything. Ive learned to control myself, it really is all psychological. I also have a set eating schedule which I follow. †¢What factors influenced your food choices during the three day recording period? Im currently trying to watch my weight, and live a healthy lifestyle by watching what I eat, I quit smoking, and I work on my fitness daily. What claims, advertisements or food labels influenced your intake? -I go on www. foodnetwork. com, under the Eat Healthy section, and choose certain recipes. Ive always been doing research through many different health and fitness blogs, but I dont always believe what I read on the internet. I do believe that the Food Network is a reliable source though. †¢Which of the five nutrition principles/factors/building blocks appear to be missing in your current eating pattern as highlighted by the three day recording? Missing: Explain: What two lifestyle factors could you change in order to improve eating habits? Explain how this will improve your eating habits. *Sleep schedule, and fitness. * Explain: If I went to sleep a bit earlier I would be able to wake u p earlier to pack food for myself, I work in the Bronx and the food around that area isnt all that healthy. Also had I began working on my fitness sooner, my eating habits would have improved drastically. †¢Go to the following website and complete the assignment as detailed. The results are for you and will not be seen by anyone. ttp://webquiz. iLrn. com/tutorials/B_holp07/P_hoeger1A/public †¢What did you learn about your lifestyle that was most interesting? From the results of the quiz in #9, identify health behaviors you would like to change and explain why it is important for you to address these factors. Irina Ilyayeva NUTRITION ASSESSMENT Part 2 –Assignment Using all the tools at your disposal, detail as best you can your recommended intakes for the following: *Calories: 1,200 calories/day *Protein: 100 grams/day *Fat: 50 grams/day *Fiber: 25 grams/day *Water: 72. 0 oz/day *Sodium: 180 milligrams/day *Vitamin C: 50 mg/day 2. Examine your average Food Guide Pyramid servings for each of the food groups and respond to the following: *What food groups were in the preferred range? Detail -Bread, cereal, rice, and pasta. *What food groups were in the less than preferred range? Detail. Fats, oils, and sweets. *What food groups exceeded range? Detail. 3. Detail why is it important to meet the correct number of servings from each food group represented on the Food Guide Pyramid. The pyramid calls for eating a variety of foods to get the nutrients you need and at the same time the right amount of calories to maintain a healthy weight. 4. Discuss ways you can change current eating habits to better meet pyramid guidelines. -Incorporate a few servings of each into your daily intake. 5. Using Exchanges Spreadsheet answer the following: *Total number of vegetable servings: 3-5 *Total number of bread/starch servings: 6-11 *Total number of fruit servings: 2-4 *Total number of meat servings: 2-3 *Total number of fat servings:Sparingly Total number of milk servings: 2-3 6. Explain why the spreadsheet highlights servings of meat from different categories— *Very Lean: More protein *Medium Fat: Less fat than lean *High Fat: most fat least protein 7. Which food groups were in the preferred range and which ones are in excess? Explain. *Preferred Range: Medium fat *Excess Range: high fat 8. Which food group was your biggest concern? Why? None, I include a variety of these foods in my diet. 9. Were there any surprises in completing this assignment? Detail. PART 3 Irina Ilyayeva Nutrition AssessmentDIGESTION List the foods in your diet that requires the most mastication and nutrient release upon ingestion. -Red meat. †¢Did you experience any episodes of indigestion during the recording (3-day recall) period? If yes explain foods that cause symptoms. Tomato’s, they give me severe heartburn. If no detail foods that have caused symptoms in the past. †¢What causes the symptoms from foods in #2? -the acid antidote in tomatoes. †¢How much alcohol did you consume during the three day recordi ng period? Types of Alcohol: Red whine. *Servings of alcohol- 1 glass of red wine. Grams of alcohol-9. 4 grams/100 mL †¢How did the foods in your 3-day recall period influence how your GI tract functioned? Explain -I mostly ate fish, whole grains, salads, fuits, and vegetables. I think my intake was very nutritional and helped the function of my GI tract. †¢Alcohol generates 7 calories – how many calories did alcohol contribute to your diet? 9. 4gm x 7 cal/gm =65. 8calories % of calories from alcohol †¢Which of the building blocks, balance, moderation, variety and adequacy helps prevent deficiencies associated with digestion difficulties? Explain -Eating too much too close to bedtime causes deficiency with digestion. †¢Discuss how you can improve your diet and lifestyle habits that could help the GI tract function more effectively. -I think I’m on the right track, i need to focus on staying away from meat and gluten, I can feel that my body doesn’t accept either. PART 4 CARBOHYDRATES Briefly answer the following questions. 1. List the three foods that contributed the most to your daily intake. †¢Tuna †¢Salad †¢Eggs Comments : 2. List the three foods that contributed most fiber to your daily intake. †¢Buckwheat Pasta (high on fiber) †¢Whole wheat toast Comments: 3. List three foods that were low in fiber or did not provide any fiber at all. †¢Eggs †¢Ground meat †¢Fish Comments: 4. What % of your calories on average came from carbohydrates? The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) states that 45-65% of your calories should come from carbohydrates. How did your intake compare to this? Percentage: about 50% 5. How many grams of carbohydrate on average did you consume? The latest Dietary Reference Intake (DRIs) suggests that you should have a minimum of 130 grams/day of carbohydrate. Be aware of the variation as we discussed in class). How did your intake compare to recommendation? Grams: 150 g/day carbs Comparison: 20 more grams/day 6. What three foods contributed most to your carbohydrates ? †¢Bread †¢Pasta †¢Cereal 7. How many grams of fiber did you consume on average? How did this value compare to the fiber recommendations of 25 for women and 35 grams for men per day? Grams: about 20g of fiber Comparison 5 grams under 8. Did your average daily intake provide the minimum number of servings of foods from each of the fiber-containing food groups in the FOOD GUIDE PYRAMID? Which food group (s) fell short of the recommendations? Food Guide Minimums: I didn’t eat as much meat Food Groups that fell short: †¢Meat †¢fats †¢oils Comments: 9. What changes might you make among your vegetable, fruit, and grain choices to increase the fiber content of your diet? -I ate more buckwheat, and bought pasta high on fiber. 10. Did you use any sugar substitutes in your diet? What are the benefits and concerns associated with the use of sugar substitutes? Sugar substitutes used: Benefits: AGAVE, tastes great and is a natural sweetener. Irina Ilyayeva PART V – LIPID ASSIGNMENT . How many grams of total fat on the average do you consume? What part of the RDA do you consume? Explaingt; 45 g of total fat/day. Vitamins and k Calories 2. List the top three foods that contributed the most total fat to your intake. †¢Kibbeh †¢Salmon †¢Cheese †¢ 3. What percentage of your total calories come from fat? Recommendations suggest that 3 0% of your total calories should come from total fat. -About 34% 4. What percentage of calories come from saturated fat? Remember that recommendations suggest that lt;10% of your calories should come from saturated fats. -About 9% 5. List the top three foods that contributed the most saturated fat to your daily intake. †¢Whole wheat bagel with lox and cream cheese †¢Mediterranean Omelet †¢Kibbeh balls 6. What % of your total calories come from monounsaturated fats? How does it compare with the 10% recommendation? -About 8% not too high 7. What % of your total calories come from polyunsaturated fats? How does your intake compare to the 10% recommendation? -About 7% not too high. 8. How many milligrams of cholesterol did you consume on the average? How does it compare with the recommendation of less than 300 milligrams? 145 mg of cholesterol, I guess its ok compared to the recommendation. 9. List the top three foods that contributed the most cholesterol to your daily intake. †¢Salmon fillet †¢Mediterranean omelet †¢Bagel w/ lox and cream cheese 10. List three health issues associated with high fat, high saturated fat/or high cholesterol intakes. Recommend ways that you can or will chan ge your diet to improve your fat and cholesterol intakes. -I actually don’t consume too much cholesterol throughout the day, but high fat and cholesterol diets can lead to heart attacks, heart disease, atherosclerosis and much more.

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