Monday, November 11, 2019

HRM and educational progress Essay

ABSTRACT The Human Resources Department of any organization present in any industry is one of the most important aspects of organizational progress. IT is through this department that the human resources of the company would have the motivation that they needed to be able to perform well for the betterment of the entire organization’s future. It is undeniable that through this department, everyone else in any organization is empowered to arrive at a certain level of determination to do something good not only for their own welfare but for the welfare of others as well. Within the paper that follows, the industry of education and its progressive advancement shall be observed and noted as the role of human resources management department is also being outlined along the way. This study is proceeded to at least clarify the issues proving that human resource management is a vital part of any organization’s system of operation. English as a Second Language or ESL programs are considered one of the most important courses offered by learning institutions today whether on personal basis or through on-line teaching. In this manner, institutions are also encouraged handle ESL programs to be able to meet the needs of a growing market of people who are expected to speak professional English. Hence, even business administrations are being invigorated to host an ESL program even for their own employees alone. Many business administrators believe that this step of improvement would naturally bring their company great rewards especially with regards to being globally competitive. However, when it comes to the part of the learning institutions, taking this big step of adjustments towards providing adult students with professional business English basics may not be that easy to imply. Certainly, a certain level of motivation is needed to be able to meet this requirement of the growing market of people who are able to speak English as their second language. The utilization of the right motivation procedure is indeed the key to this factor of needed adjustments especially for the educators. ESL students come from all ages and all races as well. This is the reason why teaching the said clients of education would not only require professional application of the standard teaching procedures, it also adds up the fact that there is a need for the educators to adjust with the people they are supposed to deal with during the class. They must be bale to recognize the existence of cultural diversity in the class. Thus, this means that the teachers should at least cater to the individual differences of the students as well. What motivation could be applied? Is there any way by which the educators could be moved to get along with the adjustments that are needed for the program? In this regard, the ESL programs hosted in Toronto shall be examined in this paper. This is especially focused on how the educators were mainly encouraged to adjust themselves with the program and how the said motivations gave fine results for the educating processes of the said state. Problem Statement It has been mentioned earlier that there is a dire need of producing or formulating programs that suits the need of adults and young students as well to learn business English for them to be prepared in facing the real business world later on. Hence, the problem that is to be discussed in this paper is much related on the way that the educators were motivated to make the necessary adjustment for the said program applications. The following are among the questions to be answered: †¢ How could the educators be moved to take advantage of the current need of ‘producing’ students who are able to speak English as their Second Language, thus giving the business industries higher competencies in the future? †¢ How should the educators feel about the progressive teaching strategies that the program requires of them? †¢ Would there be progress in applying the necessary points of consideration in the said program, especially with regards to teaching strategies? These questions shall serve as guidelines for the author of this paper in completing the required data for this assignment. Purpose of the Study The main reason why this study has been commenced is to be able to show the important factors that motivational procedures contribute to the success of different educational programs offered specifically in Toronto. These programs involve different adjustments especially with regards to cultural diversity as well as age gaps among students. Hence, the purpose of this study is to show that success is possible especially when it comes to programs such as ESL provisions when the procedures are based upon fine motivational idealisms of the administrators. This paper is also supposed to show the effect of the motivational procedures not only for the educators but for the students as well. Hence, this study is mostly inclined on the cost and effect processes of both teaching and learning as well. Scope and Limitation of the Study Among the measure of the scope of this study includes the motivational programs used among the ESL educators in Toronto and how far has these motivational procedures contributed to the success of the ESL programs offered in the said state. On the other hand, this study could be limited on the basis of its lack of access to actual interviews which could contribute to further practical presentation of the matter being discussed. Hence, the author is simply basing this study on journals and professional forms and books that caters to the needs of the said topic. The sources though are examined to have specific authentication of being published for reading to ensure the accuracy of the reports. The said sources of the study shall be discussed and reviewed in the chapter to follow.

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