Thursday, October 17, 2019

Admissions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Admissions - Essay Example However, instead of using the term eclectic as a means of arrogance, the underlying reason why I use eclectic fashion stems from the fact that I do not prefer to continually buy clothes all the time. The fact of the matter is that clothes take quite a while to wear out. As such, being a responsible citizen and seeking to reduce my impact on the earth requires a reasonable person to use an article of clothing up until the point in time that it begins to show signs of wear/aging. Because of the desire to wear a garment up until the point that it begins to show signs of wear, buying disposable fashion that is â€Å"in† one season and â€Å"out† the next is not reasonable or rational. Instead, the more appropriate approach would be to buy fashion based upon the level of classic timelessness that it engenders. In this way, choosing clothes that are appropriate and timeless helps to create a balanced wardrobe. This represents a very utilitarian view of who I am. Instead of being a person that is consumed with a desire to promote the latest fashion trend, I am more concerned with the quality and classic nature of particular item. Yet, rather than this making me what some might call a â€Å"conservative person†, this taste in fashion does not translate into my taste in music or other â€Å"style† choices. My preferred music is electronic/trance; something that does not fit with the clothing style I have selected. But due to the fact tha t music considerations are not something that a person pays for on a regular basis, like clothing, the differential that is evidenced in my life is at least partially understandable. From the information that has been discussed, it can clearly be seen that personal style is not something that can be defined categorically. Even within the various elements that contribute to style, a wide range of difference can exist within an individual.

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